The Doctors on Harley Street

The Unseen Character: The Power of Setting in Storytelling

The Unseen Character: The Power of Setting in S...

Sara Adrien

Today, let's explore the unsung hero of storytelling - the setting. Just as a passionate dance sets the stage for a blossoming love in our beloved regency romances, so does...

The Unseen Character: The Power of Setting in S...

Sara Adrien

Today, let's explore the unsung hero of storytelling - the setting. Just as a passionate dance sets the stage for a blossoming love in our beloved regency romances, so does...

The Overlooked History and Significance of Ribbons

The Overlooked History and Significance of Ribbons

Sara Adrien

During the Regency era, ribbons were not just a fashion statement but also a symbol of social status. The ability to purchase and wear ribbons signified a certain level of...

The Overlooked History and Significance of Ribbons

Sara Adrien

During the Regency era, ribbons were not just a fashion statement but also a symbol of social status. The ability to purchase and wear ribbons signified a certain level of...